Ardoum’s Award Winning Cabernet Sauvignon 2016

A r d o u m s A w a r d W i n n i n g C a b e r n e t S a u v i g n o n 2 0 1 6


Ardoum’s Cabernet Sauvignon is a rich and flavorful wine that can enhance any meal. From hearty meats to savory cheeses, this wine pairs well with a variety of foods. In this article, we’ll explore the best food pairings for Ardoum’s Cabernet Sauvignon 2016, providing you with clear bullet points to help you create the perfect dining experience.

Understanding the Characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is a full-bodied red wine that is known for its bold and complex flavors. It is typically high in tannins, which gives it a dry and slightly bitter taste. Cabernet Sauvignon is also known for its dark fruit flavors, such as blackberry, black currant, and plum. Additionally, it often has notes of vanilla, oak, and tobacco, which come from the aging process in oak barrels. Understanding these characteristics can help you choose the perfect food pairings for Ardoum’s Cabernet Sauvignon.

On occasion, the winemaker may decide to leave them in if the grapes themselves contain less tannin than desired. This is more acceptable if the stems have ‘ripened’ and started to turn brown. If increased skin extraction is desired, a winemaker might choose to crush the grapes after destemming.

"Red wine is the elixir of life, the secret of happiness, and the soul of poetry. It is the blood of the grape, the heart of the vineyard, and the joy of the drinker." -

Removal of stems first means no stem tannin can be extracted. In these cases the grapes pass between two rollers which squeeze the grapes enough to separate the skin and pulp, but not so much as to cause excessive shearing or tearing of the skin tissues. In some cases, notably with “delicate” red varietals such as Pinot noir or Syrah, all or part of the grapes might be left uncrushed (called “whole berry”) to encourage the retention of fruity aromas through partial carbonic maceration.

Pairing Ardoum's Cabernet Sauvignon with Red Meat

Cabernet Sauvignon is a classic pairing with red meat, particularly beef. The bold tannins in the wine help to cut through the richness of the meat, while the dark fruit flavors complement the savory flavors of the beef. For a classic pairing, try serving Ardoum’s Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 with a juicy steak. For a more adventurous pairing, try pairing the wine with a Grilled Ribeye Steak, a Beef Tenderloin, a spicy beef curry or a beef and mushroom risotto.

Here are 2 types of red meat dishes that pair well with Ardoum’s award winning Cabernet Sauvignon 2016:
Grilled Ribeye Steak: The bold tannins in the Cabernet Sauvignon complement the rich, fatty flavors of the ribeye.
Beef tenderloin: This lean cut of beef is tender and flavorful, making it a great match for the bold flavors of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Here are 2 types of red meat dishes that pair well with Ardoum’s award winning Cabernet Sauvignon 2016:
Grilled Ribeye Steak: The bold tannins in the Cabernet Sauvignon complement the rich, fatty flavors of the ribeye.
Beef tenderloin: This lean cut of beef is tender and flavorful, making it a great match for the bold flavors of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Cabernet Sauvignon Ardoum 2016 Lebanese Wines
A stunning photo of ripe cabernet sauvignon grapes in Lebanon. The purple clusters contrast with the green leaves. A perfect image for wine lovers!