W o o d e n C h a l e t


A c c o m o d a t i o n


$150 For a Group of 4

Perfect for a day spent in nature with the kids (and pets), this chalet includes a bottle of Ardoum finest wine and a delicious breakfast.


$ 5 per Guest

Join Ardoum Winery & Distillery for a fun, informative tour and tasting of our wines and spirits. Explore the cave, estate and museum!


B r e a k f a s t a n d L u n c h


Y o u r V i s i t

Come and join us for a delightful tour of Ardoum, a unique winery in Lebanon. You will discover our passion for Wines our rich heritage of Lebanese Wines, and our innovative production methods. You will also explore our beautiful estate, our cave, and our fascinating stories behind Ardoum our tight relation with art. Don’t miss this opportunity to taste our exquisite wines and learn more about us!

Book Now!


Ardoum Winery & Distillery is Located in Mtein Village in The Casa of Metn, Lebanon. Just 35km away from Beirut


If you or someone in your group needs special assistance for the tour, please reach out to us at booking@ardoum.com or +961 441 646. We care about your comfort, and we will do our best to accommodate you.


Free parking at Ardoum! Just leave your car in our secure spots and follow the signs to the Winery. We can’t wait to see you!